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Our Recession Proof Seminar was held on October 12th, 2016 at The Centre Of Excellence with 125 guests in attendance. Eight (8) presenters focused on topics ranging from operations efficiency to sales and marketing. This seminar came on the heel of the many changes in our local economy in 2016 and set the stage for prudent business planning for the upcoming year.  The seminar featured four workshops whose facilitators provided know-how and insight for participants at several stages in their business lifecycle, from startups straight through to developing and mature businesses.  This seminar was unique because of the workshop segments that allowed the guests to congregate according to the growth stage of their business.

In these groups, spearheaded by a competent facilitator they were able to share solutions and problems encountered in this season.​


Our main objective of the seminar was to aid all small and medium sized enterprises who attend with practical, and proven business strategies that will assist them to position themselves to survive and grow during this season of our economy.  The seminar also also acted as a networking platform for like-minded individuals and companies to share ideas and market their services.


This target market was entrepreneurs, investors, managers, community groups, charitable organizations and stakeholders of small and medium sized companies.

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